Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is there an incentive for referrals?

We will give both referring business and new business one-time 10% off code to be applied upon the next renewal of both listings.

2. How do I find specific businesses?

You have several ways to navigate our directory. You may search by using either the business category or business name. You can also search based upon a businessā€™ geographical region or location.

3. Is it possible to download a businessā€™ information?

No, not at this time.

4. What are the requirements for my business listing to be accepted?

There are several requirements for a business listing to be accepted. They are:

a. Business must be owned by a Spelman alumna. Proof of ownership will be requested if during the vetting process, ownership is unclear upon our search.

b. Business type must be within our NAASC guidelines and in line with our mission.

c. Business must be registered with appropriate state authority (i.e. Georgia Secretary of State)

5. How do I purchase my business listing subscription?

Click on the sign-in navigation link in the top right corner of our directory homepage. You will need to first register by creating a username and password. Once registered, you can create your business profile. Click the submit button after uploading your complete business information. You will receive a confirmation email that your business listing is submitted. Once submitted, your business will enter our vetting process. This process may take up to 5-7 business days so please allow for processing time. You will receive another confirmation email upon acceptance of your business listing.

6.  What should I include on my business profile?

Your business listing profile should be as complete as possible to include the following:

a. Name of business

b. Business contact information- address, phone number, email

c. website

d. Business hours of operation

e Logo

f. Business photos

g. Business description

h. Social media handles- if desired

7.  Can I upload pictures for my business listing?

Yes you may upload photos representing your business services and/or merchandise.

8. What is the timeframe for acceptance of my business listing?

Our normal vetting timeframe is 5-7 days.

9.  How do I cancel my listing subscription?

Unfortunately, you cannot cancel your listing subscription during a specific cycle once paid. If you no longer wish for your business to be listed, you may not renew your subscription and your listing will automatically be removed upon non-payment for a new subscription cycle.

10.  How long does my listing subscription last?

Currently, the subscription is for one year. In the future, we may adjust our packages to meet the needs of our users and businesses.

11. How do I edit my information if it changes?

Once your business listing is created, you will receive login information. You may use your login information to sign-in using the sign-in navigation at the top right of the directory homepage. From here, you will be able to edit your information. It may take our system up to 72 hours to see changes depending upon the information that was changed due to the verification process.

12. Does my business need to be registered with the Secretary of State to be featured in the directory?

This depends on your business type and location. Certain business industries, such as medical and legal, require registration with not only the Secretary of State but also other licensing governing bodies. This registration allows for your business to be recognized as legitimate and in good standing within your state as well as industry.

13. My business does not fit into current categories. How can I still list my business?

We have a very robust list of categories. In the event that your listing does not fall into any category, you may send an email to Please be as specific as possible in your email so that we can best guide you through your sign-up process.

14. I am a Spelman alumnae but I am not a member of NAASC National Chapter or local chapter. Do I have to join NAASC before signing up for my business listing in order to pay a lower subscription cost?

Yes membership in the NAASC National Chapter and/or local chapters is required prior to submitting your business listing in order to receive our discounted subscription rate. Please enter your membership number when creating your listing. Your chapter membership will be verified during our vetting process.